Tuesday, November 28, 2006

::::week nine - test site::::

ok ladies, give it a shot and see what you think so far -
it is the basic navigation, with the quiz loaded in as a level - test out all functions please

click here to view

i had to figure out quite a bit to get this to work online vs. being a DVD - added extra code
to allow for exiting whether in flash or by calling javascript, also had to add a command to
end flashplayer, or else when the quiz level finished playing, it revealed the basic navigation
again which is on level 1...yahoo

for the map - i added the fire alarm to go off once it's called, and then ginger has little footsteps
that start whenever the arrow keys are used - and added an exit button to return to kitchen level

that is it for now - i will add in the living room later this week and update the link!


::::week nine - loading levels::::

ok, so i figure out how to load in levels - super easy...and i also
found how to unload them so we can set the exit buttons to clear back
to level 1
i have set up all the levels, we'll have 8 total

this will help us tremendously with getting the movie completed, and easier to
tweak this way, i believe

cool cool cool

i'm a super dork

someone remind me to study - i'm still doomed i'm sure on the test...ugh

::::week nine - wow!::::

i am so happy with how everything is coming along...
i am thankful for such
talented and committed ladies being on our team!

thank you today for -

jess, creating our logo - snap!

amy, sitting with me to work out the kinks in printing, invisible buttons

brandi, finishing the living room

stella, using such creative ideas in the computer room hazard

this week i will be testing out setting up the rooms as movie clips - and adding
in final touches of sounds, etc...

hopefull this will work out smoothly - to where we just need to tweak our
site next week, and burn to DVD!

need to add copyright info to all our pages, as well as add ending
with our logo and names!

here is our logo again!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

::::week eight - updates to fire safety site::::

ok, i got the sounds in and need to work out some bugs - did the same for the quiz..but haven't posted that since i don't know how to to load levels..maybe we can just drop the scripting into the end of the basic navigation?

lemme know what you think:

click here to view

thanks ladies..
hope you had a nice thanksgiving holiday!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

::::week seven - flowchart & weblink::::

got the flowchart for the living room done, i confirmed with krishna that we can create them for each room, so long as we define our ten activities also,

tested the preloader online with what i have set up for navigation to the welcome

you can see when you actually "test" or rewind the flash player the preloader working, otherwise there really is no content to load yet

click here to view

kickin ass

Saturday, November 18, 2006

::::week seven - preloader::::

the preloader is DONE! i have the site set to where first the preloader counts out how many bytes the entire file versus how many bytes have loaded - so it shows the percentage and the animated flames also, have started setting up the navigation as labels, up to the point of the house here is a preview of how the loader looks

Friday, November 17, 2006

::::week seven - team meeting::::

just wanted to post what we went over and make sure i didn't miss anything as we reach
our project milestone 3

10 flowcharts (broken down by room - and each activity as it coordinates with safety tips)
LIVING ROOM/jenn will flowchart & work on flash navigation
1) drop in screen by fire (#2)
2) bunny move from fire (#6)
3) newspaper move from fire (#6)
4) sweater on lamp (#1, #6)
5) candles popup (#3)

KITCHEN/jessica will flowchart & work on map/escape route
collision & arrow keys to move through escape rout (#8)
2) ginger/fire extinguisher in cabinet/on press (#10)
3) hot pot on stove/pop up (#4)

BEDROOM/brandi will flowchart
1) find phone to call emergency 9-1-1 (#9)
2) diversions : apple behind bunny, fish in drawer, cake under bed, balloon behind dress
3) pop ups: hot iron, candles, lighter

COMPUTER ROOM/brandi will flowchart & create foam graphic
1) fire grows, ginger will be mouse, on press will put out fires - will grow on timeline until on press (#5)

QUIZ/stella will use quiz template/flowchart
1) true or false, calculate passing score
2) based on results will go to certificate to print, or try again


ROOMS/amy is setting up/starting work

deliverables for week 8:

flowcharts for 10 safety activities
build/assemble min of 5 activities - we have 6
show evidence of preloader working - see below
basic navigation must be functional - will build in flash with preloader
integrate 3 activities into main timeline - house - have 4
pre0vis work/concept sketches/screen captures/flowcharts into production portfolio - 95% done - just
need to add flowcharts on tuesday once we've completed them all

thanks everyone for making it to school today for our meeting!!!

::::week seven - homework::::

completed the two tutorials and flowcharts for homework, getting better at flowchart..
i think????

i think i understood what was happening with the while loop on the second assignment..pretty interesting way to have thumbnails as opposed to dragging and laying them all out manually

team shak meeting tomorrow 10am...
notes to follow

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

::::week seven - stuff::::

i can hardly believe we only have four weeks left of this quarter! wow

tonight i took the files i have so far that seem correct and formatted them into
.pdfs to get printed for our portfolio presentation of our work next week

i received the quiz from jess, but since i do not have the typeface, i can't format them

also need the welcome, safety tips, and pop up note page from brandi - dropped at school...and
any other pages i may have overlooked

will try to remember with jess to look for preloader - i think the reason i keep forgetting
that is that since i have class at night and work all day, i run out of time!! AHH! so sorry

otherwise, i look forward to meeting on friday and knocking some of this out - getting
a great headstart so we may possibly finish on tuesday, giving us time to tweak and
perfect the last week??!!!

had an idea for the escape route since jess brought up the good point of not having a child
map out an escape through a burning house: maybe still use the same idea, map on fridge in
kitchen, but have it where they could draw their escape route - say from the bathroom to
the designated closest window? good interactive part - mouse could be a crayon - it could already be drawn - and when they mouse over the path, it reveals it?

anyway, just an idea...otherwise, i think the activities are all solid and i'm so happy
to be working with a great group of girls

ps...have we designed an actual logo yet? would be nice to print for our portfolio?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

::::week six - DONE!::::

whew! finally got my scripting correct - thanks for letting me know i was on the right track krishna.. i had some trouble with the way my tvToggle function was set up and how it was interacting with my changeTheChannel funcion got the flowchart done as well here are samples of the completed project

Friday, November 10, 2006

::::week six - makes me sick!::::

ok, so i ALMOST have the code fixed on this week's homework...

my trouble is that when i click on the toggle button, tv1 stays on - but allows
me to change the channels on tv2, and then toggle again, tv2 goes off, and
you can change the channels back on tv1 - but tv1 only goes off with the power???


so, if anyone has any ideas, lemme know - or else, this is all i've got!

sending code to krishna for help......
happy friday

::::week six - homework::::

thanks brandi for the notes

and krishna for sending the homework assignment/team objectives

i did alright going through the tutorial for the television...trying to figure out
the most effective way to get my code to work is NOT as easy

just giving an update...if i freak out too much more, i'll email someone for

Friday, November 03, 2006

::::week five - object classes flowchart::::

hope this helps - it can be confusing!

::::week five - homework object classes::::

just got the homework finished - clown was easy, but good to go through the exercise

second part was tricky for setting up the key codes to coordinate with the keyboard letters
but with a little research i found it

here is a pic of my balloony toon:

Thursday, November 02, 2006

::::week five - updated layout::::

hey ladies! get funky...

ok, so i did a little update to the navigation, and worked with the colors - using web only formatting in illustrator...
please give me your feedback so i can get these out to brandi & jessica to put their copy in the pages..
