::::week seven - stuff::::
i can hardly believe we only have four weeks left of this quarter! wow
tonight i took the files i have so far that seem correct and formatted them into
.pdfs to get printed for our portfolio presentation of our work next week
i received the quiz from jess, but since i do not have the typeface, i can't format them
also need the welcome, safety tips, and pop up note page from brandi - dropped at school...and
any other pages i may have overlooked
will try to remember with jess to look for preloader - i think the reason i keep forgetting
that is that since i have class at night and work all day, i run out of time!! AHH! so sorry
otherwise, i look forward to meeting on friday and knocking some of this out - getting
a great headstart so we may possibly finish on tuesday, giving us time to tweak and
perfect the last week??!!!
had an idea for the escape route since jess brought up the good point of not having a child
map out an escape through a burning house: maybe still use the same idea, map on fridge in
kitchen, but have it where they could draw their escape route - say from the bathroom to
the designated closest window? good interactive part - mouse could be a crayon - it could already be drawn - and when they mouse over the path, it reveals it?
anyway, just an idea...otherwise, i think the activities are all solid and i'm so happy
to be working with a great group of girls
ps...have we designed an actual logo yet? would be nice to print for our portfolio?
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