Friday, November 10, 2006

::::week six - homework::::

thanks brandi for the notes

and krishna for sending the homework assignment/team objectives

i did alright going through the tutorial for the television...trying to figure out
the most effective way to get my code to work is NOT as easy

just giving an update...if i freak out too much more, i'll email someone for


At 4:37 PM, Blogger Amy said...

hey jenn,
i'm still having problems with the code on that one.

i emailed Krishna and he said....

he created a variable called "tvToggle" and initialized it similarly to "tvPower"

he then created a function called "toggleTV" which was similar to "togglePower" in the assignment- when it is called it selects the appropriate tv.

within the "changeTheChannel" you have to check to see which tv has been chosen before the channels will change.

hope that helps you, 'cause my head is still spinning!



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