Tuesday, November 28, 2006

::::week nine - test site::::

ok ladies, give it a shot and see what you think so far -
it is the basic navigation, with the quiz loaded in as a level - test out all functions please

click here to view

i had to figure out quite a bit to get this to work online vs. being a DVD - added extra code
to allow for exiting whether in flash or by calling javascript, also had to add a command to
end flashplayer, or else when the quiz level finished playing, it revealed the basic navigation
again which is on level 1...yahoo

for the map - i added the fire alarm to go off once it's called, and then ginger has little footsteps
that start whenever the arrow keys are used - and added an exit button to return to kitchen level

that is it for now - i will add in the living room later this week and update the link!



At 2:51 PM, Blogger Amy said...

thanks for kicking butt on this project!

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Not Given said...

i love it! thank you so so so much. i printed the certificate just fine and it looks great!


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