Sunday, December 10, 2006

::::week ten - one last thing::::

ok, so i found another spelling error thanks to some feedback from myspace peeps...

also added a back button to all the main navigation pages, and made the house load more smoothly on first click...

i created the label for the cd, and will try to burn them right now, providing
one for the dvd case for final review, and one for each team mate

click here to view the completed Fire Safety House

peace out
i'm done

Saturday, December 09, 2006

::::week ten - site complete::::

ok, the is complete - i did all the updates mentioned on my previous blog, and
commented all the code i could find...

amy has given me the files for the dvd case, so i can use them to create labels for the cd - just need
to generate a .exe for autorun on pcs (not sure about macs)..

click here to view

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

::::week ten - almost there::::

today amy i updated the map to have two seperate hit tests - one for ginger reaching
the green x - give an applause, and the other if she collides with the flames she gives a
"yahhh!!" warning the user that is not correct...

need to finish commenting all code -

need to correct mom/dad to "an adult" on all pages-

update for website, maybe create a "read me" txt file...

generate an .exe for auto play

burn cd with all folders - 5 copies - one for krishna, one for each of the girls...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

::::week nine - things to fix::::

notes to self:

  1. to fix the transparency issue from the rooms/levels and level 0,take house out - create it as independent .swf - then load rooms into level 0 and have exit buttons load house.swf into level 0 - this will clear allother levels loaded
  2. typo on safety tips
  3. fix enter button - it's jumpy
  4. comment all code
  5. post on myspace for testing

cool cool cool

Friday, December 01, 2006

::::week nine - updated site::::

ok, so i've put everything together to give us an overall view -
click here to view

there are a few hang ups and i do not know how to correct them - the worst being
that while you are in the individual rooms, they seem to allow the layers beneath in the
main level to be moused over - activating entire rooms beneath the current activity...

i have no idea how to fix this = and have email krishna about it...otherwise, i can show you the other things on tuesday, and i completed the living room, computer room, and kitchen...i did some changes in the bedroom - and can update the file if amy made any further changes - just let me know..

thanks everyone