Monday, October 30, 2006

::::week four - hw & crap::::

homework 5 done! not too bad...i like the way it turned out...

as for our team deliverables, i have accomplished this:

digital illustrations -
opening page/load page - no script on preloaders yet
welcome page/button - no copy
safety tips page/just framework/button
rules of game/button - no copy
house layout with buttons
hand for mouse

tons & tons & tons of fun

i am a little freaked about getting the flowchart done correctly - i will do my best..
i have the one for the entire flow written, but not put into the diagram - and am not
sure how to write the ones for each room since i'm not sure what we're doing in each - i will
guess based on amy's beautiful illustrations...

all pages were completed in illustrator for easy change/implementation/cohesiveness with other
pages done by team members

have not received any email regarding a digital ginger? but i used a place mark for her

Saturday, October 28, 2006

::::week four - digital assets::::

hi ladies
wanted to post some images here for review -

  • the blue is looking really nice digitally, but the orange could be a little weak - could go up one or two notches in tone - i have them show
  • when you are working with typeface "just another font" you will need to create as outlines and adjust specific letters that don't sit right (like the y & p)
  • also, not sure how the baskerville looks for the copy - lemme know what your thoughts are - arial is featured below it

::::week four - team meeting notes::::

just wanted to post a review of what we went over this last week to make sure we stay on task!

this will help with flowcharting:
page loads, need preloader - FIRE SAFETY HOUSE
1st page - welcome from ginger - next arrow for navigation
2nd page - bullet 10 safety tips - next arrow to enter FIRE SAFETY HOUSE
3rd page - fire safety house/cutaway/outside sky/grass/sun - ginger will say to click on rooms to start - navigation will be off side allowing user to end program, get tips (popup notebook) - no need to go back at this point - also to move forward to answer quiz and receive certificate of acheivement
-individual rooms, mouse (hand) discover safety tips, room will go dark once complete - will be able
to close with an exit button - after completion or during encounter - to return to main house
-ginger will appear in each room, and give hints as mouse over occurs, also giving feedback based on task
- after all rooms are completed, receive prompt from ginger to go forward to take a quiz (short)
4th page - quiz questions - navigation to answer t/f, also once complete to receive score
5th page - score page - if above 70% correct, navigation to print certificate, otherwise, try better next time!
6th page - certificate - allows user to enter their name for interactiveness

let me know if i wrote any of this down incorrectly and if i have all the aspects covered on who is completing what:

brandi - certificate, tips on pop-up note book paper
jess - quiz/buttons
stella - vectorize ginger
amy - inside of house - 4 rooms
jenn - flowchart, frame for house, interface page/buttons

need sounds - .wav files, "ouch" & female voice "good job"

copy - baskerville
headers/buttons - just another font
logo - agent orange

lt blue/yellowish orange
need RGB codes once we've decided

Monday, October 23, 2006

::::week three - team blog links::::

alrighty - got my team links posted on my blog - hahahahahaha...suckers.....beat that!

got the three homeworks done, sorry i wanted to get some ideas off to you girls for
our project, ran out of time

good thing is, as we do tutorials, am seeing how to implement things into our final project...i am EXCITED! WE KICK BUTT!


Friday, October 13, 2006

::::week two - homework complete::::

so i finally got my mouse event animation all set and working! it's super cute - can't wait to show you girls in's a little frog prince

i was having a little problem with getting the scripting to work right with the button overlay/layer...i had to delete it and recreate it several times before it would work correct...
got the extra credit portion scripted as well (hint in tutorial in book)!

hw2 was pretty simple - and made alot of sense based on program logic

also, i was alright on the hw2 flowchart since it had actions and decisions, but hw3 did
n't really have that, just actions based on mouse overs, so this is what i came up with, hope it's correct!

not sure if we need to have a flowchart already for our interactive media final?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

::::week two - website::::

alrighty folks, i've just purchased my domain name (thanks stella ;) ) and updated/uploaded
my website from intro to scripting

lemme know what you think!

click here to go to


::::week two - flowcharting, planning, action script & event handlers::::

so today in our class lecture alot of thing that weren't explained in program logic began to make sense..imagine that...hmmmm??? sorry - long story

looking forward to completing the two homework assignments this week

worked on concept sketch/layout for house - need to consider interface for user and
flow of our project - instructions, etc? could be a graphical interface for the fire safety house to sit in


i am going to email them to you all because blogger is being a bugger and isn't accepting my

Friday, October 06, 2006

::::week one - flash basics assignment::::

i was originally thinking of doing an island, but that is BORING! and since this is my fav month (because of my birthday and halloween), why not celebrate one of the best holidays! so, in honor of samhain, i decided on a haunted halloween flash animation:
  • shape tween - bat to vampire
  • motion tween - clouds moving
  • imported bitmap - moon
  • symbol - creepy tree
  • instance of symbol - creepy tree
  • filled and stroked objects - all (but done in illustrator)
i'm so excited to see how it turns out!!

///////on a side note - trying to find a good web hosting company that will not cost over $70 to start up....ugh! if anyone finds something, let me know pretty please!//////////////

Thursday, October 05, 2006

::::week one - fire safety project::::

///team shak///

here is a review of what we discussed in class tuesday:

10 main safety points:
  1. never put anything on a lamp
  2. never touch matches or lighters
  3. never play with the stove or cook alone
  4. remember to stop, drop & roll if your clothes catch on fire
  5. never play with electrical cords or outlets
  6. don't stand too close to fireplaces or stoves
  7. know your family fire escape plan
  8. keep paper, cloth and toys away from heat sources
  9. know your emergency contact number 9-1-1
  10. know where your fire extinguisher is located

idea behind our interactive piece will be a doll house - where the child can click on each room to discover fire hazards (which will enlarge/zoom to fit screen) the child will have the ability to interact by mousing over items that will give visual clues by changing colors (like an outline/glow) - if the item is not to be moved, when child clicks there will be an audio response such as "ouch" (matches, stove, etc)...if the item can be touched, the child can click and move with mouse (sweater on a lamp) receiving a positive response such as "good job" - each room will have items for interaction and learning based on the 10 main safety points - and will have a button to go back to home when done with each room

need to incorporate emergency contact number with phone - maybe if they pick up the receiver, it could have a phone pop out - and they could dial the number - listen to an emergency dispatcher say "9-1-1, what is your emergency?"...????

also where their fire extinguisher is kept and the ability to open a window for a family fire escape plan

once child has completed the entire house - would like the ability to have them take a simple review test and receive a certificate of completion with a fire badge/personalized name/mascot for print out

mascot will be cartooned version of a fire extinguisher - which could give the positive feedback to correct moves within the house

----does anyone have any ideas for the name of our house? like fire safety house or something??

::::::: i will post sketches as i get them completed the next week here for team review ::::::

good luck ladies!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

::::week one - review::::

great quote to help you get through schooling courtesy of krishna this morning -

"ability is what you're capable of doing. motiviation determines what you do.
attitude determines how well you do it."
-lou holtz

today we had a good refresher on basic flash navigation, objects/symbols, keyframing and tweening - i especially learned more with the shape tweens; in the past i never even used them

here is also a good site to use from if you'd like a quick overview of flash and some good walk throughs:

i'm really looking forward to creating and implementing our interactive fire safety house with my team...go girls - team shak!

we got alot accomplished during our meeting in class today - and decided on our 10 main safety points, our mascot by defining our topic, discovering fire safety with research, and having a clear idea of how the concept should be designed (will be shown through sketches for week 3)

things to complete this week:

  • - start concept sketches based on 10 safety points
  • - decide on domain name and reopen account solutions
  • - send an email to krishna with the url for the domain and this online journal
  • - flash basic assignment
  • - get 1" binder and order book for class
  • - read pages 14 - 57 in text